Systemic Advocacy Advanced

Systemic Advocacy Advanced

(Self-Paced, Online Training)

Would you like more information about Systemic Advocacy? 

The voice of lived experience of mental health concerns is very important and is absent from decision making tables!

Join us in making sure our voice is heard where policy decisions are made.  Advocacy is best done with partners and allies and we are looking forward to you joining the efforts to ensure that the state of Texas has recovery-based, peer-run, and supportive mental health services. 

You will learn: 

  • The power of critical thinking 
  • Issues the Texas Public Mental Health System faces 
  • Analyzing a bill 
  • Getting to know elected officials 
  • Setting up appointments

This is a self-paced, online training.

You will receive 10 hours of CEUs, upon completion of the training, if you are a MHPS.

Click Here to Register!
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